If anyone has any ideas on how i can access the cameras internal ease let me know. it appears to be blocked within the usa or something. I beleive it is a software issue.nevertheless, i am unable to reach the netcatcctv website. I also have no way of setting up a login and password for wifi.
As a result i have no way of turn on or off the wifi. Upon right clicking and observing the options i continue to not be able to find a device configure. I reached the part where i need to right click on the monitor screen in order to find device configure in the right click menu list. Upon following instructions : IP Camera Quick learning guide.pdf I connected the camera directly to my laptop via ethernet cable and was able to get it to work after changing the ip address on the camera so it would not interfere with my other ip camera.
Using windows 10 operating system on Acer Aspire 5820-6825 laptop.ĬMS ( CMS V3.1.0.3.T.20150716 ) software to view the camera feed. I recently bought a Wifi ip cam off of ebay.